Saturday 16 July 2016

Potato harvest in pots - 10 weeks growth

One potato, two potato, three potato, four...... you get the idea. After 10 weeks growth, two Yukon Gold seed potatoes in a pot has produced 15+ potatoes. This is good news considering we did not have potatoes for Father's Day at 7 weeks growth. The purpose of growing potatoes in pots, in my mind, is to have fresh potatoes from the garden in July. Once the potatoes have dried, store them in a brown paper bag at room temperature and clean them just before preparing them for the kitchen table.
One observation I made when harvesting is the dryness of the soil. I watered my pots almost every day, yet the bottom of the pot was dry. It's now apparent that the large potato foliage requires a tremendous amount of water when grown in a confined pot. However, the ratio of 2 seed potatoes to the 15+ harvested is reasonable. Now let's go BBQ, my friend.

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